This listing is for a digital printable file.
Whether hung in a living room, entrance way or outside on a sunny day, bunting makes for a happy beautiful party. Name on the bunting and short greeting is customizable. For example: Happy 4th Birthday Alex or Alex's Christening.
This listing is for a digital printable file ONLY. No printed materials will be shipped. Your completed file will be sent to the email provided on your order. Please note that this file is NOT editable. You will need Adobe Reader to view the file. It is available for free at www.adobe.com Alternatively if you require a jpeg version of this file, please make use of the Add a note to your order button as you checkout. File will be sent to the provided email address within 2 to 5 business days.
Color, font, wording and layout changes are not included in this listing but are available upon request for an additional fee.
• Each flag is approximately A5 in size (please let me know if your require anything bigger).
Print on Cardstock.
We recommend printing on the heaviest cardstock your printer can handle. Carefully cut out your flag. Punch holes on the top two corners of your flag. Carefully string your flags together with twine or ribbon. Hang up your bunting... easy!
TERMS OF USE: This file is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not forward, share, sell or distribute the file. It is for non-commercial use only.